

The little girl was pondering if she could make it to jump and reach the first rung of the monkey bars. 

Many of us might have encouraged her…

“You can do it”

“You've got this”

“Go for it”

All the things. 

But this mom and daughter at the park today shared a different perspective.

She simply asked her daughter… “What's the worst thing that could happen?”

The little girl said something that I couldn't fully hear. 

I could hear the mom’s response to the little girl.  

“Yeah, that right, you would jump, that's the worst thing that would happen”.

The little girl took a jump, not only did she reach the first rung of the monkey bars, but with the momentum she got, she reached for the next, and the next and the next. 

What's the thing you've been trying to get done? 

We can think the words “go for it”, “you've got this” will help. And indeed they do help sometimes. 

But sometimes maybe we need to ask another question “What's the woršt thing that could happen?

And take a jump. 

Much love 💗


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