A couple of weeks into the new year, and I wanted to bring this word of encouragement to you, and to me.
Last time I talked about revolution (full circle) to reach a resolution (solution)
(You can check it out here )
I read a scripture in a devotional this week from Daniel “But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way.”Daniel 1:8
Daniel resolved.
Different than a resolution
Different than a revolution.
- decide firmly on a course of action.; settle or find a solution to
Far too easy to think of it as trying all that much harder.
But the word I want to bring today is resolved. Solved. settle or find a solution to
We sometimes need to go full circle to find our freedom, to find our healing, and perhaps sometimes even our destiny.
That my friend means sometimes we need to go backwards in order to go forwards.
So, this year, let’s resolve, not to try harder, but to go deeper.
Along the journey with you 🌸
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